The andirijreds proposes to form a company to be hyleds, "The Texan Emigration, Agricultural and Commercial Company" They have obtained from the Government of Texas a granit, and a contract with the following stipulations - First + Five years from the first day of July nix care allowed for the Intendirection and settlement of not exceeding 10,000 families - 2nd By family is meant a man and his wife - a widower with two or more children, if sons, under the age of 17, if daughters, unmarried - a widow with
the or two single men over 17 years -
3rd - For each family introduced and settled the Government agree to give the undenind and their aprciates or Legal Representatives 640 acres of land. 4th of this 640 acres the company are required to give the family not less than 160 acres and are left to chase them with the incidentel expences of sunys, building their
log houses, transportation - at unclear "trim? they may? make their bargain with each family to give them such numbers of acres as they please, not less than 160 nor more than 640 A
5th Whenever the company shall produce a certificate of their authoilnsh agent duly subscribes by two or more witnesses and ledourt to by him
That they have indujed one or more sections of lands, built a comfortable house or houses there on and placed families therein the Government is bound to convey to each family thus certified by regular deed, such number of the 64 acres as the Company shall have agreed to give them and the remainder of said 640 acres to the