page out of order 137 [lines drawn through this paragraph] is said about 'Boucher' was a sort of façon de parler. For I have the honor to Know both Joseph, Jerome & Seneca - and was once at Sr. Albans in England at Joseph Bonaparts House & have visited him in London' -
'Bien Monsieur - mais non pas Boucher' -
According to his accent he was the Son of a person named Duval, an illegitimate offspring of Napoleon's - who married in the island of Guadalupe & had served under Napoleon in the Army. that in Napoleon's exile to Santa Helena, Duval contrived to get there, but was soon discovered and sent away from the island, this broke Duval's heart & he died! The Widow & family returned to the United States, the sons becoming Merchants! I returned to Galveston by the same road I had come, & found that place in a great hubbub. Letters have been received from N. Orleans stating that A dozen or more Steamers, Men of War & Transports were fitting out at Vera Cruz for the invasion of Texas, & that Galveston would be the first place of disembarkation. But the old Stagers - believe that this Fleet was rather destined for Yucatan & if successful there why then they might pay Texas a ^ visit