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9th Dec. 1885 birth day 78 yrs old - WH Vanderblot Vanderbilt? died of paralysm? - stormed all night - rain hail + snow 10 6º above zero 11 party at Lulls 12 snow storm cold 13th snow 6 in last night - 8 in in St. Louis 14 1º below zero - bitter cold 15 Lester gone to Lulls - sawing wood 16 clear - Christine Noffinger ? had money? 17 clear. Nuthern? putting up ice 18 18º above zero very frosty 19 attended Marys birth day party 20 clear cold 21 do. 22 thawed all night 23 spring weather - snow gone - gone to Peoria 24 cooler cloudy 25 Christmas clear Dined at Augustas 26 sawed wood ha? to day 27 cool 28 misty 29 Dense fog - rain last night 30 rain all night - muddy 31 cloudy - gloomy day 1st Jan. 1886 cooler 2 cloudy warm Lester's? birth day 35 years 3 rainy 4 ground white with snow 3º freezing 5 snow storm Wind N.W. Funeral in Morton 6 12º below freezing - rough roads.