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" Due to the Am Fur Compy West? outfit on order on demand Five thousand eight Hundred and twenty six dollars and ninety four cents for value recd with interest from the 1st. Insp.

Prairie du Chien 20 " November 1839", Siignd "Rbt Grigman"

Recd. Mar. 5. of 1850 of H. L. Doundsman Esq. a note for collection of which the above is a copy. with the understanding agreed Now between us that 25 ? each shall be allowed on all sums collected.  And that I am able to use my best endeavors to secure it if possible.  giving him any time I may think necessary

N. L. Mahru

Do. hi hL I send you a ? which correspond I think with the understanding between us. All well Yours truly M. L Manhu (H. L. Dousman Esq.