A Letter
Our worthy institutions, intelligent offspring in the New World, Mentally & physically better than their progenitors in many particulars & this owing to their successful revolution against the Mother Country & moreover, having ? the air of beautiful region; merged with the milk of freedom & more than all enjoying all the proceeds of their individual & collective labours - having no large Armies and Navies, National debt - our expensive Coast to maintain - indeed will be a few years of labours - Men thus situated must become rich but their riches sometimes lead them for want of a continuous of excitement into immense speculations - such as founding new ? - ? - Towns &c &c in the ? of the Savage Wilds hitherto untrod but by the Wild Beasts & The Red-Man - But to our subject ? & this the Americans have inherited from the Mother country like many other good & evil customs & manners - Washington & his brave companions in Arms & in the Forum - banished the Shadow only of Royalty that shed its artificial hue around the American colonies - A Republican Govt was formed - its head was called the President but the idea, charm & prestige of title is ? 98