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ference ^ with them on ye Road as they arent travelling & deprenn Jesus of his Suffering, and death and ye Reports yy had that manny heard of his being risen from ye dead as ye Subject - Mes Uerasys defranuse he enueres and neareves yr basner - still wneating himself from them he proceeds to reprove them for their ignorance, folly and unbelief; and also to instruct them, reacting and enptunely ye various Parts and Passages of ye old testament Scriptures, cahenning himself. out at Evening and at Supper at ye end of ye Journey, he made himself known to them, so that yy plainly saw and bren it to ^ be him; but suddenly then vanished out of ye Sight: and slipt away: and immediately trenevgnan, they reflecting on it had passed said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he tathed with us by ye Tovy, and while he opened to us ye Scriptures? and now one thing among others with which ye heart burned was Love and Desire to Ct, to ye Scripture - Ct - ye Ct of God: and this was whilst he opened to them ye Scriptures, pontilnlanly of ye old testament: whence we may conclude ye sacred Scriptures, are an inst and excellent means of creating, of antinting and Anslenming Love to Ct and this so transperant of Love and Joy they usted in presently refiny up and late as it was trastence pray? back to Jerusalem to give ent there to and to inform ye other Disciples of all they had heard, seen and felt. - And if ye