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Love and other rebryvrs affections, lies not in his Manhood, but are generally and only in his divine nature and excellency. - and ye true, grenctual Beauty, glory and Perfection of Ct, rendering him ye object of Divine truth and Love, as represented as Sin? tune wapith in things invisible to ye case as blith - they are such as no hand of Man, no Prist [Priest], no soul as ye mass helful anbgs can represent and shadow faith - the age of truth alone see this King in his Preanty and glory. the Scriptures & ye trust of god only can represent him thereun - can ye hand of Man, can Images and Pictures represent this his unenusted and devine glories, ye Union of his two natures in ye Same Person; and ye Interlistation of ye divine spirit in its all ?utness in his human! or in his Love & grace, his Candepension and Conpusacen, his Power and Purety, his affue, etness & ability to save sinners, be deleneated and engraven on wood as grave, vanives brantifnd, adorned and even what with ye

ronties of but as Riches of nature?  &c

surely - to ye nened Scriptures then and not to conperated Pictures, Images and Dots, must we look to see ye Ct as God, ye object of our truth and by ye elps of them and out of these must we see him in his glory and Purity. These serve to divert ye minds and hearts of ye superstitious devout admirers, to ye ambaners of dots and many false Images. _____ but others whilst ye abhor these Idols, yet unmist Saireted ye ________ and