on this foundation ?ery, woud Hubble so that they shall be soad us by ?ire and many of yr works be burnt up. his Rave in and Pabey is ?rent his every malice, and Rage way one also ?rnt; and he has his Instruments weetwhout have in any would, where Cts Chh is ut ?? would gladly at any opportunity given? in with him and anent yr utmost in crruptiion trst, and to turn it off from its foundation of rafuble by ye have and Imant of bloody Pensrention, in by ye Craft and ants of ful Induction. and of ye Chh it any time be wanearnd from bu in one of these so we ?vaclsd with Ct ye foundation, and so e bus been want to ?vuelise with his Chh built whenean in all ust yes When his penating Rage has been westuened and defrnted, and ye Chh delivered more aperally to his ?idweny but; and be wuletful. ________ And ?helss ye nevnestnuined at ?nefent, we need beye more watchful uywinst his seducing ?? Crest
3. Related and admire ye confueling truthfulness, and wonderful Power; ?reforn, goodness and Love of Ct, in ye Preservation and Salvation of his Chh anest so much, neybly and wily coruption from ye Gates of hell. Let us longe up and all this ?nent Light?; za aneth burning