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Mr Hawkins Mr Ting Mr Weld Mr Johnson Mr Glover Mr Duncan Mr Casse Mr Peter Bracket Mr Torrey Mr Holister Mr Ames Mr Joshua Hubard Mr Stephen Winthrop

Do bee willing from time time, to bee instructed with knowledge of God. In witnes Whereof wee have herunto put our hands the 8th of the first month 1643/44

Massanomit, Kutshamakan Squa Sachim:, Nashannoon


Certaine questions propounded to to the Indians and their Answers.

Q1: To worship the only true god who made heaven and earthe Ans :Wee do Desire to reverence, the God of the English, because wee see he doth better, to the English then other gods do to others.

Q2: Not to sweare falsely Ans: They say they know not what swearing is among them.

Q3: not to do any unnesersary worke on the Sabath day especially within the gates of Ch[ris]tian townes Ans: it is easy to them they have not much to do on any day. and they can wel take their ease one that day.

Q: To honor their parents and superors Ans: T'is their custome to do soo for the Inferiors to honor their supioriors.