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64 high irregularity, and arbitrary action, to conclude this matter those poor indians about 58 of them; of all sorts, were sent downe to Deere Iland, there to pass into the furnace of affliction with their Brethren & contrymen But all their corne & other provision suffirieng to maintayne them for 6 months was lost at concord, & all their other nesscary exept what the Soulders had plundered, And the poore indian got very litle or nothing of what they lost but it was squandered away; lost by the removal of mr Hoare & other means, so they were nessectated to live upon clams as the others ^ did with some littel corne words crossed out provided at the charge of the Honorable corporation for the indians Residing in London. Besides mr Hoare lost all his building & other cost which hee had provisions for the entertainement & imployment of those Indians which was considerable.

1675 23: feb. About this time (the Genll court then sitting) there were severall motions and applications made to them touching the poore ch[ris]tian Indians at Deere Iland, som would have them all Destroyed; others sent out of the country, But som there were of more moderation, Alledging that those indians & their Ancestors had made a covenant with the english about thirty years since wherin mutual protection and subjection was agreed & that it was expedient to search the records to see & consider that agreement and whether those indians had broken the same or had deserved to bee proceded against in so harsh & severe a manner as som proposed upon which motion the Records were searched and it was found upon Record as follows