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17/ a few days after my trip by Sea to Matagorda, I had the opportunity of going with an influential party to the same place by land. [[sidenote: Leaving nclear in a buggy, then horseback]] The road commences with some 30 m along the hard sandy beach of the islands, half way there was a fair sort of Inn. A large ferry boat took us over to the town of San Luis unclear addition above which had been built as a unclear , but was now depopulated. He having paid the penalty of its unclear. Ferrying over to the main, & 12 miles more still along the Sea Shore brought us to Velasco, where we put up at a very good inn. This place is famed for the expulsion of the Mexicans from a strong fort by the colonists under John Aus. June 26.1836 and what rendered it more unclear were the unclear given unclear by one of our party who unclear in the affair. It was here that the "Great Indian fighter Bucknee fell. His name was been given to a creek near to Austin. The following day we ferried over the Razor River, which altho' deep, the mouth of it is choked up with the large quantity of Alluveal matters brought down & has what is termed a "bad Bar" & way open unclear. Opposite to the Town of Velasco is Quintana, where some ship building was going on. This locality is the outlet of the Cotton unclear product of

xunclear footnote