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36 affected in seeing & observing how submisively in unclear

& chtianly and affectiontly those poore souls caried it, seking
incouragement & incouragment & exhorting on an another with 

prairs & teares at the time of the imbarqmont beeing as they told some in feare they should never returne more to habitation ,

but bee transported out of the country  of  this I was informed by eye  & ear witnesss

of the English nation that were upon the place at that time : In the night about midnight the tyde serving beeing the 30th of october 1675

those poor creatures were shipped in 3 vesells & carried away to
Deare Island above mentioned. that was distant from from that place about 

4 leages ; where I shall leave them at present.

upon the same day that the order past to remove those natick Indians to deare Islnad, The wamesit indians aforementioned beeing in prison at charles towne 33 men were sent for before the Genll court at Boston And charged with burning a stake of hay at Chelmsford, belonging to James Richardson: these Indians were first examined singly & then more of them together but they all vehemently denied the fact or privetly? crossed out word write any that did it but notwithstanding they were sorely taunted at with bitter words by some that accused them but no proofe appeared. & it was after ward discovered that they were all innocent & the enimy did it as I have before related, the issue of this examination & charge was 3 of the company viz one named wil Hawkins a narragansit indian that used constantly to worke about Salem; & was now sinse the warr retird to wamesit & two others that were not praying indians nor properly belonging to wamesit but retired thithr sinse the warr, these were condemned to bee sold for slaves & sent out of the country & accor..? comited to prison in order to their disposal our of the contry afterward were sent away; But all the rest being 30 were ordered backe to charlestowne to continue under restraint still, A vote passed in the house of Deputies as I heard finding all the wanesitt indians guilty of Burning the hay but it was not consented onto by the Magistrates & so after the adjornment of that Court the council ordered the taking out of som of the most suspicious indians from the wamesits who did not properly belong to them but were come in to them sinse the war these being garbled out & secured in prison the rest of the wamesit indians being about 20 were