Served in the Texas wars, after which he married a Mexican girl & independently ?? had a small farm . At times in the rich hollow lands the tress are covered with Spanish Moss + (???) while gave a melancholy appearance to the scenery & its ?? are perennially ?? upon as a proof of "chills and fevers" in the locality. ?? Agnes only seen in the autumn. I do not extend to the open or prairie country, so that the mountains who have a care of the health generally build their habitations at some ?? distance from the "bottom" of rich ?? lands on the rivers & creeks.
The last remnant of the Caramcahan?? Indians ?? fish in the vicinity, they go nearly ?? in summer, and appear a fine looking race. I am nearly the ?? of hem they ?? , in good health, let them was a heavy melancholy in their looks. It's reported that they committed great offenses on the first sections, for which they have been nearly "??" I returned to Galvaston in the same ?? craft, but ?? to strong head winds to currants made an eight days from age of it. The only object of interest that presensts itself on our return, one might when mean under the land, was a large truck. * Ths info is under a substitutes for ?? have ?? in the shifting of ??