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To all Christian people to whom these presents shall Come - Greeting - Know ye that I Stephen Starken? of Middletown in the County of Hartford and Colony of Connecticutt Newengland for the Consideration of Ten pounds current money to me in Hand paid by Seth Welmore and Eleazer Gaylord both of sd Middletown - Do give Grant Bargain sell Convey and Confirm unto the said Welmore & Gaylord there hiers and assigns for Ever all the Right Tytile Interest Share or proportion which I have or ought to have in or unto the Common & undivided Land within the Township of Middleton aforesaid by any waies or means whatsoever To have and to hold the said granted and bargained premises unto the said Seth Wetmore & Eleazer Gaylord there hiers etc in Equil proportion free and Clear from all - InCumbrances whatsoever In Witness whereof I have set my hand & seal this Eight Day of May in the seventh year of the Reign of our sovereign Lord George the second of Grate Britton frome? & Ireland ye King ye anno Domni 1734 - signed sealed & delivered In presence of - Stephen Stocking wax seal Francis whitmore


Mortha M Moses


Middleton may the 8th 1734 - then personally appeared stephen stocken the above Grantor before me and acknoledged the above Instrument to be his free act and Deed

          Corona?    Jabez Hamlin Just. Pax

This Deed Is Recorded In Middletown Sixth Book of Records fol:III: - ? Joseph Rockwell Registr-