[4 unclear words] place of debarcation my be this [?] - on acct of [?] up to Sn Antonio - C. Christi Bay of [?] - without [?] - Perhaps Durows Mc might be made as monetary Depot of - Perhaps one or two [?] Steam Boats would assist us - & [?] freight - This if Com & Smyte concurs -
Genl H is kept well informed from Mexico & acts accordingly he is [?] of their inability to do anything - the later affair was of a [?] character - It would be preferable cert. Peace he obtained - Even at this date by acknowledging a certain quarter of Mexican debt to England - This [three unclear words] all sorts of questions - Why not some one sent to Mexico a la coon to negociate.[sic] Say V. G I am afraid he would not go - Offensive War would irritate & do no good - Defense [?] - What if the Marauders come they sill be hung as Some are 2 & 3 make fear - Reports that Mr Packenham has been surprised by Another [?] in Mexico - Saw copy of Emigratory Contracts to W. K.