4. abstain from any kind of nutriment in proportion to their ages. A child eight years of age will fast twelve hours; one twelve years old twenty four hours, and one sixteen years of age, thirty six hours.
The person that is fasting, has its face blacked, and is not permitted to wash until the time of fasting is out. The p?ales face is blacked all over, that of the ?all on the checks only. The male quits this habit at the age of eighteen, and his parents or guardian conceives that his education is completed, and he is old enough to be considered as a man. His face is again blacked for the last time, and he is taken one or two miles from any inhabitation to a small hut built of bark or brush for his reception?! He is placed in it and addressed by his father or guardian in the following words.
My son. It has pleased the great spirit that lives above the clouds, and those that live beneath this earth, that you should have lived to see this day! They have all witnessed? your conduct ever since I first blacked your face, they know whether you have at all times adhered strictly to the advice which I have given you, and I hope they will reward you accordingly.