97 above them & the Cussetuh's above all. The two last towns raised the scalp pole (Itlo chate, redwood) and do not suffer any other town to raise them. Cussetuh is first in rank.
"After this they settled the rank of the other towns among themselves. Cussetuh called Au,be,cuh and chickasaw, Cha,chu see (younger brothers) The Chickasaws &
Aubecuhs called Cussetuh & Cowetuh, cha,tla,hau )oldest brothers.) Au,be,cuh called Chickasaw, Um,mau,mau, yuk (elders or people ahead of them) Chickasaw sometimes used the same expression Aubecuh."
This being done, they commenced their settlements on Coosau & Tal,la,poo,sau; and crossing the falls of Tallapoosa above Took,au bat,che they insited?
Chat,to,ho,che, and found a race of people with flat heads in possession of the mounds in the Cussetuh fields. These people used bows & arrows with strings made of sinews. The great physicmakers (Au,lie,chul,gee) sent some rats in the night time, which knawed the strings & in the morning they attacked & defeated the flats. They crossed the river at the Island near the mound & took possession of the country. After this, they spread out Eastwardly to O,cheese,hat,che (Ocmulgee) Oconce, O,gechee (How,ge,chuk) Chis,ke,tal,lo sau hat che (Savannah _ called sometimes Sau,va,no,gee, the name for Shau,a,ne. They met the White people