on Murray Ridge to RR crossing, then afoot up track aways. then back around by covered bridge. got all our baskets full Tues Aug 16 a.m. sold 1 bus. Tyson pears. at Fisherville. All us kids picking over elderberries in wood- shed. Ike read aloud a story "A Loyal Traitor". p.m. finished elderberries. Picked pears that were left on big Tyson tree. Took 1/2 bus. to Fisherville, then to Hill lot Little kids picked up kindling wood. John helped Geo. haul a load of oats Wed 17. a.m. rain more reading aloud same book. p.m. all kids to hill lot, plant turnips. eve. read aloud. Thurs. 19. big rain in night. a.m. went up to see Geo. about hauling dirt for grading around new house. Finally engaged Tom Farmer. p.m. All to hill lot. incl. John. rain. grading at barn & making road to haul stuff from river bed, Eve, prayer mtg. rain Fri 19 Hauling dirt from back of new barn to house. Tom Farmer. a.m. Eli Ike & I 17 loads p.m. Eli John & I 18 loads