p.m. Chas. John and I got two loads beets from hill lot and put in cellar. cold fingers. Harl sat up. Sat. Nov. 13. cold. ground frozen. cleared off in p.m. a.m. Eli Ike & I hill lot husked corn 17 bus. p.m. we emptied corn. went to hill lot & got a load of carrots. put in cellar and dug the tuberoses. Jno & Harl to Oberlin..Annie here to supper. Jo came home. Sun. 14 rain rain rain Only one boy (Murbach) in S S Class Roy & I rode to Lake Ave. Only 2 there C.E. mtg. in Opera House. Quartette at Foley's. Jno sat up. Mon 15 a.m. shelled corn warm p.m. Chas. & I to hill lot got the rest of the carrots and the onions John left 10 a.m. for Alabama I sat up. Tues. 16 colder. took corn to mill got groceries from Brooks. Eve. Quartette at Dunhams. Wed 17. a.m. dug onions beets carrots in garden. p.m. cut up limb of English- streak Apple tree. Harl left for Des Moines. I sat up. Thurs. 18 p.m. trim trees at hill lot. Florence Bullock to supper. cold night