Wednesday morning ? - torn Nov
Mr. Bunker is going to Bangor tomorrow we expect and our folks are going to send some butter. So I'll put in some Gloves the blueish ones for you to Sell the light colour'd ones for S.W. Furber if they are large enough & he wants 'em if not sell 'em unless you or E want 'em they are three threaded pretty good ones only homely - and a pr of stockings for Eliab or if he dont want 'em you or S. A young Bumps wants to buy Some more farm in this neighborhood C. talks some of selling him (if he can) about 2/3 two thirds of this Farm including mine how would it do Charles has had a letter from his Store Man about the Cow I should think by his letter that he dont know much thinks perhaps that Cows always give milk without any intermission - he wants C. to hand (furnish) him another Cow that will give Milk Charles thinks that Cow is worth 20$ now for Beef She is an excellent Cow and would fetch 35 without saying to the Man perhaps he'll write to you about it See what a Butcher would give or how she could be dispos'd of for Flour or Cash You have not written whether you want to take the Oxen or not - why dont you some of you come home
Have you purchas'd the Pall Cloth - Tis needed old Mr. Furman was buried lately old Mr. Dow hes at the "point of Death" . Tell E. why dont he write I am almost out of patience with him and all the rest of you Do come or at least write some of you