said more people together than ever before in Boston The President Fillmore & Luit gov. Elgin &c. &c. more than 50 thousand Strangers. There was a smart little Horticultural exibition this week at the city Hall. Premiums awarded for the first time. Sam'l has got so well as that he has gone into the Mill this week but does not work much. Lucy seems well all but her Walking Sticks, and she has the use of them so far that she walked about the house but she cant get up Stairs, or dance, or make a curtsey, or anything but just slide her feet along without suffering the penalty (the back ache, had a letter from home a while ago Charles was writing to you & to send you a letter directed to you at Milo from Alfred Holman. Alfred is discontented where he is with Mr. Furbers folks says he was green I thought you could have him with you perhaps if you want him
If your Money was here Eliab could invest it to good advantage I guess I heard him say that Frank got 5 percent a month "share" on a note. Eliab has just been here says he dont get but 6 percent for his money. I have just been down to Main Street with Eliab have my likeness taken Artist not there so came back without. I have just reciev'd a good long letter from Ann in which she laments your far off out of the world, unhealthy, expo'd situation, says "Perhaps he will continue there some years, and that he cannot do deprived of either home or opportunity of mingling with & making one of an enlightened Community without becoming changed some what from 'Our Isaac'
Some of her letter was in a thoughtful strain, not to say sad, she