Bucharest: 21 Nov
Dear Jack + Gladys -
Your note of 29 Oct deserves more than this card but we are in the midst of getting ready to ship Ruthie home for the first wedding in the family since our own: Jeff, our #2 boy, is getting married - most inconveniently for us - in Dec. + since I can't get away from classes, she is going to hold up our end. I'll be living on Momaliga (oat meal mush) for a month till she returns. By all means ship the ABC issue to me, this address, domestic rates. Sounds interesting. Teaching here is a bit discouraging. My courses, I learn, are required but "not for credit" + without exam or paper. The result, of course, is that it's impossible to get them to reay anything - Moby=-Dick or The Disinherited. But I'll tell them the story of each, if you + Merman can be satisifed w/that. All's quiet here: no debauchery, though some good music + scads of theater - all, alas! in Romanien: 8 Repertory companies in Bacherest. Chicago can't manage one! - Regards, MB