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the most [?dangerous?] or "Na.ni.za no zi" midecene [sic] man that can operate the "Grand Medecine. this "Jessakeed" enters the wigwam or lodge. and the covering is adjusted so that he is completely secured. He is then handed a pipe of tobacco which he smokes and sings a song. When the song is ended the wigwam will begin to rock back and forth most robustly (Mr. Henry remembers that the stiff rigid posts will be swayed back and forth). The Bad Manito then comes down with a thud this shakes the ground for an acre around. This is repeated three times. when the Manito is in the wigwam with the Jessakeed and will answer any question that is put to him. and with the question it is customary to approach the lodge and push under the covering a present of tobacco.

 Not long since at Lac du Flambeau, a man was sick and the Manito was asked when he would die or if he would recover.  The reply was this the man would die on the third night. which he did. at the exact hour.   A story is told of an indian. who had lost some horses.  One of the "Bad Medecine Men" [?traversing?] the forrest found them and drove them to a swamp and hid them. returning to the Village he let it be known about that If the proper present was made. he could find the horses.  The man anxious to recover the stock made presents till he reached the limit when the. Grand Medecine was put in operation. and the Manito [?] the place where the horses cold be found."  A singular circumstance related to this writer is that the Grand Medecine will not work in the presence of any thing that has been consecrated or blessed. by a white priest   During the working of a Grand Medecine on one occasion an individual who had an amulet upon him that was blessed by a Roman priest. approached the Grand Medecin Lodge. and the Jessakeed cried out to him to go away the Manito would not converse with him while that individual was about. he went away and the revelation continued.   The influence of the Bad Spirit is so potent that if the  Bad Medecine Man for any cause wants to kill an indian they can. influence him at any distance. so they allege, but it sometimes happens that. the strength of will of the indian masters the Bad Spirit.  An indian whom the writer knew. said this one night as he sat in a seat the Medicine Man of Bad River. (a place some hundred miles away.) came for him. and he immediately