5 Holland Place Chambers Kensington, London unclear
Unclear Harvey Esq. Sir; while not in the least surprised at the traditunal crudeness? for accuracy in literary unclear displayed in March 1 1919! number of your North American Review; I still think that you are
no coward and therefore dare you to answer
the following question unclear
Do you honestly think you further literary en- lightenmenh by printing such phrases as “using the last phrase to mean”, (p 412)
It is at all times difficult to attain accurate ex- pression; it is difficult to keep an argument in order; but do you think you forward the matter by not merely gushing your “opponents” words but by alleging them to mean what they do not.
If your contributor? had read my work with even demi-thoroughness, he would have found flat contradiction of what he alliges, I mean, Pass over the glaring unclear of her muddling of my opinions with those of a group of people with whom I definitely disagreed and from when I as definitely separated my literary and artistic artistic and literary unclear five years ago I never expect fair arguing in an American periodical.