to match my silver which is sterling in Meadow Rose pattern, money for dinner set of dishes, Staliar liner dinner set, dish in dark blue whistling tea kettle, several luncheon sets, rise towels, guest towel, patchwork quilt, tray, silver bread plate, white swan with candle stitch to match for a center piece, plateau news dishes and cracker plate combined, sherbet glasses pepper & salt, etc. That is all I can thing # of, off hand - I have not opened the boxes since I arrived as I am waiting to get located. Oh yes! I received an etching, too. Have several more gifts coming but the dowers are waiting tp see what I need. Some f the above were shower gifts. For Xmas we received a partial dinner set from three different sources so we are going to finish that set and was the gift money for something else. The set is Pink tower pattern and is lovely Cam you wonder that I an anxious to use my things.