The 15th of the 2th month called April Ann. Do:1639
[6 unclear words] do fell unto the inhabitants of the towne of Charles Lowne all the land within those lines granted them by the Court (excepting the farms) and Ground on the west side of the two great ponds called [unclear] ponds from the South side of Mr. Howells lott neare the upper end of the ponds unto the little runoff which runeth Captain Hoofob mill, which the Lquaw [unclear] for their [unclear] for her life for the Indians to plant & hunt uppon, and the water above the ponds they also reserve for the Indians to fish at while the Squaw [unclear] and after the South of Squaw Sathom but doth have all her lands from McMahon house to neare Salem to this [unclear] Governor Mx John Winthrope former Ms [unclear] Howell, Mx. Willon and Mx Edw. Gibons to dipole of, and all Indian to depart and for [unclear] twenty and one coatel og- fathome of Nampam and three bushells of [unclear] [unclear] whereof we have hereunto [unclear] our hands the day, and yeare above.
Subtribed in the prefonte of us Memorandum that these wordes all the land were interlined before the subscription. Robert Feke John Humphey The mark of Web Cowett
This is to fortify that the afornamed purchase was made at the charge of the inhabitant of charles towne, and to theire after, and for to much as live within theire limits, we doe accordingly [unclear], and yeild upon all our [unclear] there, to the [uncler] of said towne, according to the trust rrippledin us.
10th. mo. 18th. 1639 Jn. Winthrope Governer [unclear] Howell Jn. Wilson
{uunclear[unclear] 23 (8) mo. 1656 By Thomas Daufoeth Record