M.M. Moore Art Department K.K. Moore Business Mgr.
M. M. MOORE Photo Pillow Tops Glen Ellyn, ILL. Oct. 21, 1921.
Dearest Mummie:
The box of Marvin's outfit just arrived and is very lovely. Thank you ever so much. It is ever so pretty and dainty. The embroidery is such an addition to it, and
I know that it will look fine on him. When he is all dressed up, will take his picture so you can see. I bought a baby bunting for him to wear in severe weather, so now he is all fixed.
Malcolm has a crowd of young men friends here crawling over the floor with various articles from the play cupboard. Have just warned them they must pick
everything up before they go, but they seemed not to hear. May have some trouble enforcing the law a little later.
I bragged too soon about my hair. It was no sooner in than it was out, so to speak, and I am back where I started from. Still have enough to look all right
but not the abundance I did have - and it is still coming out. Hope will not be bald.
Helen Frank still with Mrs. Sturges at Hillside & Mt. Clair. Does not seem