M.M. Moore Art Department K.K. Moore Business Mgr.
M. M. MOORE Photo Pillow Tops Glen Ellyn, ILL.
are well started now and will look quite well. I think the cutting out was the only part that I was anticipating any trouble with.
Got nice letter from Mrs. Western in answer to my note - congratulating me and hoping it would be a girl. she is planning a birthday celebration for cousin
Martha, who is nearly a year old and invites all of us to come - Sunday, April 3rd. I am accepting for Max and Malcolm but prefer not to make the trip myself, especially as I am somewhat doubtful of the time to expect Tunsulu. It might just as easily be sooner as later. If a girl, have about decided on Maxine for a name. If a boy - would rather like Lionel - being sufficiently peculiar and unusual to go with Moore. May decide on something else, however.
Malcolm has just gone out to join his bosom friend, Buddie. B. is quite annoying, at times. Asks