[Image with two details]
Section Fender
Dakota (Apache} Moccosin and leggin. Brinkerhoff Coll. (Haupt del.) length of leggin 42½ inches width at top 7¼ "
" at bottom 4½ "
length of foot 10½ " width of " 4 1/8 "
" " toe fender 2 "
X An odd adaptation of the materials at hand to the requirements of the indian is seen in the meccesins made by the Apache band of the Dakotas. This meccessin is the work of the Phirasorca Apache of New Mexico and is an ingenious device the Apache country abounds with cactus probably pear and Spanish Bayonet and the meccesin is made with a view to protect the foot and leg from injury. The sole is cut from a thick piece of buffalo hide that of the neck usually being selected. it is left in the raw state the hair not removed. the hair side is dense and the edges of the side turned up. The sole is prolonged at the toe into a kind of prow or fender which projects above the foot about two inches.