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children died in infancy.

 Well - about my nurse - she is much younger looking than I expected. Does not look more in years than her daughter, Mrs. Pulse. She said that my 4 nightgowns

would be enough - was pleased over the T bandages, and thought I had plenty of everything at hand for the baby. She is waiting now for a woman to be taken who has been expecting since Jan. 15th. Glad it isn't I ! I bought a lb. pkge cotton and large sized pkge gauze from Hillman's and expect to get enough oilcloth for my bed and the crib. Then I will be pretty well fixed as soon as the newspaper pads are made.

 Helen failed to show up last Friday and have heard nothing from her. Guess I shall have to right [sic] and find what the matter is. When she hadn't arrived by 3 o'clock

I gave her up. started to work on the comforter and managed to get half of the tacking done. Have rolled it up and put away for another session soon. Plastering in south room finished Monday. Max will calsomine in a day or two - then paint floor. Hope Grandma is well and you too. Malcolm fine. Bought

on side

him a substantial spoon today to dig with.  Buddie is still his daily companion.           Love,  K.