the lady bestowed on him.
The Morse's daily Tribune (or someone else's) blew into our yard this morning, so I took possession and enclose picture of Wilson & his cabinet clipped
therefrom. His face (W's) is quite pathetic, I think. He looks 20 years older than on the day of his inauguration.
The book review has arrived and I shall enjoy reading it. Helen has offered to loan me the crib that she had for the children which is no longer in use. The springs are good and after a coat of enamel, it will look
quite respectable. Of course I shall get a new mattress for it. Have part of the diapers hemmed and have started in on my house cleaning which will have to be done early this year.
Helen is coming our the first of March to help me put together my new comforter. Margaret got her baby buggy a few days ago and has taken Betty out
a couple of times. She had to change the feedings to every 3 hrs. as every 4 hrs. was too long.
Hope you both keep well. Much love Katharine