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Thus ended the "Cruize of the Lafitte" ^ taking only our [unclear] prize but^ doubtless had we [page number 47] got a chance, we should have distinguished ourselves. For some time we shall bear the title of "Red Roads" our ^[sea]^ uniform being red shirts; we are called "Les [Fenebles]", but our legal appellation is "Coast Guards". In a few words the whole of the present "Excitement" appears to be owing to some 500 Mexicans under General Vasquez had [unclear] San Antonio. had committed no particular depredations, but distrubted a Proclamation signed by General Arista calling upon the Texans to return to their "duty" etc. etc. etc. promising that, if they (the Texans, did and do so soon, that a large Mexican Army would surround the Country. [General] Houston looked up this as bombast- but his ^[unclear]^ opponents at this '[unclear]' of the Mexicans formed the "War Party" & their ^motive^ was to get a large number of Volunteers from the N. States & [fight] the [question] out at [unclear]. This view of the subject did not meet with the approbation of General Houston or his government.