From Newberry Transcribe
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in some manner or another. After a few moments the Committee 3 [unclear] No. 1 "Guilty"! but, that II [then] said No. I should be politely waited upon by another Committee of three of No. II Mess uniting them to an [unclear] party in our part of the ship. (It is particular ^here^ to bear in mind that the No.1 store room, was in our vicinity) Sergeant [crossed out] had to organize the instrumental & vocal part of the affair and saluted to with a song for the occasion. Judge B ___ who was acting as Boatswains Mate was appointed to [look] after & prepare the drinkables. General ____ to [unclear] some [unclear] [unclear]. Col ____ to ^[unclear]^ the decorations and Capt ___ to look after the rest of the "fixings". The appointed time arrived; No. 1 Mess ushered to the seats most respectfully ^ [unclear]^ claret sparkled in the brighter [unclear] the [unclear] became animated, the song went round, & a more joyous [set of faces], beheld. Well, [when] the Claret gave out Whisky punch was