Glen Ellyn, ILL.
April 7, 1917.
Dearest Mum & Grandmum:
Am writing this in the kitchen in the company of Babins and the gas oven. The fire is out though we expect to have one tomorrow. It still continues chilly. Have had only one warm day. All others around 38º. So glad you are doing well in the hotel. Babins is fine. Weighed 10 3/4 lbs. Thursday (9 wks. old). I played at the show last night - got him to sleep at 6:30 and didn't wake up till 1 a.m. He laughs and coos lots now and smiles when we sing to him. He seems very fond of music. He often will lie still and coo while I play the piano. He sees very plainly but does not yet reach for things. He knows now when I am getting ready to nurse him and waits very patiently unless I take too long about it. Dropped in on Grandma S. the other day. Said M. is to leave Sears and get a job on the Board of Trade. She is to have $12 a week to start. Don't know