J. W. Zeh, B.S., M.D. Physician & Surgeon 4642 N. 46th Ave. Chicago
a big success. They charge 15 c a person for admission and the wardrobe is free. They are held at the best halls in the city and according to the newspapers, are very well attended. We haven't gone to one yet, but intend to soon.
It snowed last night and the ground was all white this morning but it isn't cold, and the snow is melting fast. Got our second lot of coal in last Saturday. When does your subscription to the Pictorial Review expire? Why don't you write to Peggy Key Scott of the Daughters of the Golden Treasure and try to get some subs? I should think you could get quite a number of your neighbors to subscribe and you would get a quarter on each one beside the presents they give away. The knife & scissors arrives with your letter and will have them sharpened Thursday when I go down town. will get the needles, too. I feel quite rich