J. W. Zeh, B.S., M.D. Physician & Surgeon 4642 N. 46th Ave. Chicago
Dec 8, 1914
Dearest Mum and Grandma. -
Many thanks for the cookbook which arrives Saturday. Found it waiting for me in the evening when Max and I got home; also found telegram from Geo. B.? (very Bowenesque Method of Communication at half past the 11th hour,) stating that he would be unable to come to dinner Sunday; would come some other time. The message was sent collect so the invitation turned out to be a very profitable one all round. I wonder what has or will become of Helen. Found many recipes in the cookbook that I had forgotten all about and am very glad to have. I expect Max to bring the typewriter home this evening, so shall have an opportunity to copy them more rapidly if I use it. Municipal dances are now being held at different parts of the city nearly every night. They are proving to be