finally the old people died and then Polly went overseas in the First World War and when she came back again Miss Dewson was with her and since then they've always been together. There's folks that don't like Miss Dewson "but then there's no accounting for people and perhaps Miss Porter's better off this way. But you should have seen her all in white galloping on that black horse!" "Was it a white habit and a black horse, Polly or a black habit and a white horse? And were you always galloping so romantically?" "The only horse I really remember was a bad one I had when I was a child and I cried because I was jealous of the lead rider, until my mother told me that I was suffering from jealousy, that human beings commonly suffered from jealousy and that all they could do was to bear it and try to control it." During the winter, Polly and Molly Dewson lived in New York in a small fringe of the Village, there Polly ordered the meals, walked the dogs and cultivated a few fiercely defended friendships among the female "radicals" that she