65 the glance of his eye was so deadly his companions caused him to return to the deep from whence they had come. The other five remained with the An-ish-in-amb-aq and became a blessing to them. and from them originated the first original totems. or signs of the five great clans. and they are known by the name of !-wansee Bud-in-ausel - Ah-ah-wank -- Noha --- & Marsone.... - or Wanb-ish-ash-e. (or Martan) these names are only used in connection with the Totem system." From these original totems others have arisen. by splitting off and assuming new or additional totems but at the same time still retaining the old. totems with the addition of the new.. ? states that in 1852 A.D. there was extant among the Ojibway twenty one districts, totems, as follows (1) Njoe Jank (crane). (2) Man-um-aig. (catfish) (3) Mong (Loon). (4) Muk-nah (Bear) 5. Waub-isho ash-e (Marten) 6. Addick (Rein-deer) 7. Meah sen-gurs (Wolf) 8 ik-banns-aub-ay ?(Mermare)? 9. Ke-noushay. (Pike} 10. Be-Shew. (Lynx) (11). Mengizzie (Eagle) (12) che-sho=gum (Rattlesnake) 13. Mous (Mouse) 14. Meak-ud-a-shib. (Black duck or cormorant) 15) No-kahe (Goose) 16. Numa-him (Sucker) 17. Numa (Sturgeon) 18 nde kumaig (white Fish) 19. Amik (Beaver) 20. by-aushlo (Gull) 21. Ka-kaite (Hawk) this list Warren states is complete. Harris has made careful inquiry among the ribes of some totems he says the knowledge is very obscure and not a few of them are unknown to the nation as a whole as for instance the Ne-hah (goose) amila (beaver) Numa bin (sucker) Numa (sturgeon) Gy-ausht (gull) Ka-kaile (hawk) Muk-ud-a-shid (cormorant) and nde-kumaig (white fish)are only known as the remotest nether boundaries of the Plgei (Ojibway) country, amont the Musk-keeg-aer and Boni. Fate
The Ujejank (crane) hean=-am-aig (catfish) Mukuah (bear) Waab-ish-ash-e. (Martin) Niah-een-guss (Wolf) and hong (loon) and the chief families not only with a civil point of view lost numerically as they comprise eight tackles of the notion. In 1852 A. D. Momaday Aich-leo-bug-w-abohe, the head chief of the Pillager and Norther Ojibway claimed that he use to rewas the recognized head of the Anan-e, one of the five origin totems. and that his claim the me-sho-num-aiz-may (in menso fich) which is analogus to the leviathan of the scripture and they is one of he