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We had such a grand time at Amherst that we dream of going again. Only 7 of my class there - most of the others gone to Jesus or unable to move under their own power. From Amherst we went to Maine for 8 days w/ Scott & Helen Nearing, working hard on their farm & evenings helping mail announcements of their new book - due Oct 14. Then back to NY for 3 weeks or so w/ dear old friends in NY & Paterson (where I was once w I.W.W. (!) organizing among the silk workers. We were royally treated - on the go every minute. We saw the Russian folk dancers at Madison Sq Garden! - 18,000 cheering them "to the echo"! Then a week in Wash, DC & reunions w/ old friends - 14 of them at a "Chinese" supper &c &c. Thence to Ga. - nearly 36 hours in ante, bus & jitney, (our funds very low). Were we tired! But we jumped in & worked hard for 3 wks to get the weeds &c under control. How we wish you cd visit us there! Very primitive "convenience" but a heavenly view and a bracing climate (at least every night). We'll probably be there till late Oct caring for the fruit & nut trees set out last winter & pre- paring for more to come next winter. There's our story up to date. We hope your knee and your general health are better. Our warm love to you from Fred & Bertie Blossom