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I echoed of course, your condemnation of the World War III issue of "Kollier's." I ob- tained a ringing denunciation of it fe by the Chicago American Soviet Friendship Council and distributed 100 copies in outgoing pkgs (sorry I haven't one to send you.) I doubt if the publishers are pleased w/ the results of their special issues. I was keenly interested in your con- nection of C.H. Kerr and Co, and also in what you told me of Mr. XYZ, (now in Orlando). I do want to meet him soon after we get to Florida and ask his business advice. I shall have to work out some way to earn a little w/ part time work, leaving most of my time free for World Events. Answering your question, I believe the C.H. Kerr Co. is still in [?] and carrying much the same line as in "ye olden tyme." When we meet lets talk about the I.W.W., of which I was an active member and which is just about my ideal of a labor union. Our removal to Florida will have to be put off a month or two - too much preparatory work to be done and current work ties me down just now. And now to snatch a little sleep, forgive me if I write little until we get moved and settled. Cordially yours, Fred Blossom