2/ the making will cost little. Maybe $1.50 apiece maybe less.
Have cleaned up the apartment a little at a time - washed windows and put up curtains yesterday. No renters yet. Can't get an electrician to put in a metre, as all are so busy at the airports and bombing range. There were only two in town, and one left a day or so ago for Tampa to work in the ship yard. Cora Wray has got back from Leesburg where she went to help care for her uncle Frank - twin brother to her father - 87 July 3rd. But she got a woman to come in so she could come home. Many things for her to attend to, to straighten up affairs. A card from Mrs. Perry this morning - her daughter still under the doctor's care. Betty Ann was over here 2 weeks at camp, but not allowed to leave camp, so she didn't come to see me, as planned. Mrs. P. better now and not on a diet. What news from everybody? Thanks for cousin May's letters. Sorry for their afflections. Ans'd her letter at once. Also wrote Mrs Woebke?. Glad you could visit her. Am enclosing $10 for deposit.