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Earl B. Shields - President George W. Vanden, V. President 4/16/30 Shields & Vanden, Inc. Advertising Sales Promotion 205 West Wacker Drive Chicago Telephones Randolph 6783-6784 Wed noon, en route to Chicago. Dearest Mother: Found your letter waiting for me when I got home this noon. We did the dishes and now are on the train (the northwestern) first time I have been on it since you were here as I usually ride the electric. We are going to get the boys some new clothes with some of the money they have saved. Malcolm wants to be dolled up for Easter and Marvin is going to a party on the 25th - Bobby Tomkins' birthday party. They both need oxfords, sweaters, and new pants. I am not going to get any wearing apparel until after Easter as you can get much better values by waiting a while. It is cool enough today to wear a heavy coat. It rained all day yesterday and is still raining. The new green is coming out nicely on everything. Our tulips are budded and will soon be blooming. We had two awfully hot days last week when the temperature rose to 90 - a record for April. No frost since and we are hoping nothing will get nipped. Weasel broke her leg about two weeks ago - was run over by an auto, and Mrs Kopp kindly drove us up to Wheaton that evening, when