Letterhead THE SAVINA COMPANY [image: circle with star and SAVINA]]
Proprietors of Patients under scientific Direction of Trained Representatives or our
THE SAVINA HOME TREATMENT. Hygenic Department A complete system of Treatment for all diseases of the Uterine Organs. [image: circle with star and SAVINA]] Detroit, Mich. Los Angeles, Cal. Denver, Colorado.
New Baltimore, Mich.
of the work. Marketed only eleven chickens last week but received for them $9.64. We number among our customers in Muskegon some of the richest people of the town. I wish I had the money to swing things a little higher. I tell you I could make the money then. As it is people are beginning to take notice and if we don't freeze to death this winter will by spring I hope, have a real start and a solid foundation. As it is now I feel pretty much up in the air most of the time and the cold blasts of winter swerfing around under and over this shell of a house stiffen my joints and send the chills up and down my spinal column at a great rate. But I am hopeful and