Dec. 26, 1955 DArling Jaferee, Yours with P.O. order for $22.00 and ---- for Frank Reude, Dubbs, Malealu, and Clarke, plus your fine letter came Saturday. With the exception of basket for Malele- still to be picked- all other were sent last Monday Dec. 19. Also sent- Maro. news day caolect and yours. Other prepaid. DOn't send any more money and no more orders except for gifts. Had a lovely and most interesting time at Miss Slaughter's and Mr. Catlieu. Mr. Slaughter and his wife came for me at one Pm. The hostesses greeted me warmly and almost at once the feast began. First cocktails, 3 of tomato juice, 2 or port wine, accompanied with crackers and some kind of fish mixture about as big and shaped like a thimble- is that what is called a chef d'oeuvere? This was passed around and we got rid of it very leisurely- Then seated, we had in g.f. skins the pieced of g.f. sweetened and a dark cherry- very tasty. Mr. Slaughter had taken off his coat for it was 80 on my porch while I was sitting in the