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Cherokee Agency July 29th, 1835. Sir, The Commissioners have received your communication of the 24th instant, dated Red Clay, addressed to Mr Schemerhorn. They are much surprised that you should undertake to insinuate that you have been deceived by him, after all he has said & done at the late Council of Running Waters to heal the divisions & dissentions among your people, & to unite them in friendship & harmony, so that your might all be brought to act together for the common good of your nation. They regret that you and some of the principal men of your party, have not seen proper to meet the commissioners here today, according to the request & public notice given at the close of the late council, last week. The commissioners request you to inform them, by the bearer of this, whether it is your determination or? that of your principal men, not to meet the Commissioners at this place & time according to their request & appointment? -They also wish you to state to them, whether you, & those associated with you, in a communication to the secretary of War, dated Washington illegible Feb: 28. 1835 are determined to forfeit or abide by your pledge in the following words- "we are prepared as far as we are concerned to abide by the award of the American Senate upon our propositions; and to recommend the same for the final determination of our people." If you cannot ensure these inquiries for the other persons, doubtless you can for yourself. The Commissioners are determined not to deceive you or the Cherokees, and, if possible, will not suffer themselves to be deceived by them. They are not altogether ignorant of the course pursued by you & your principal men, after leaving the Council ground.