Nigger parody on a Methodist House (Hymn)
Ven dat celestial day shall rise, And all de Army shine In robes of victory troo (through) de skies De glory shall be mine. What ! -
I walks and I talks vid my Jesus Hallam - Hallam - la - ja - I walks and I talks vid my Jesus Vid de glory in my soul - Hum (four times) Hallam hallam lu - ja Hum four times Oh! Oh! Vid de glory in my soul.
Ven dat celestial day shall rise And de Moon goes down in blood, You nigger you run to da Mountain high To hide your selves from Erd. Chorus
Ye hiperam-crits and conquerambines Who lib lives among the swine You go to your god, wid your teef (teeth) in your mouf (mouth) And sins you leave behind