108 Negro Nursery - During the busy season when the negro men & women go to their labours in the field, they intrust their young children to the care of old "Aunty Sulky", or on very large plantations there are several of these old Auntys who looks after then until their parents return to their meals.
The 'Nursery" is a large log-house & the collection of juvenile blacks of all sorts & ages & colours, their cryings & swearings, the bawlings of "Aunty" & the what she wont do to them if they dont "quit" crying, her admonthions? at their favorite pastime of eating dirt, which is only prevented by giving them a lump of fat bacon, is very amusing It is said in Texas & in the U.S. by many as a fact that if a negro child be kept clean & well clothed it will pine? & often die; but if allowed to roll & play about in the dirt there is no fear of its thriving.