102 At San Antonio Indian corn was at two bits or 25 cents the bushel in the shuck. The bushel is the contents of a flour barrel.
On the Colorado Something less At Montgomery
Corn 18 to 25 cents per bushel - or 100? bushels for 18 Dollars. 30 to 50 bushels per acre. Stears for beef 5. to 6. dollars. or 1 cent per lb in small quantities Cow and Calf 6 to 8 dollars Pork 1 1/2 to 2 cents per lb. Bacon 6 to 8 cents lb Sheep 2 dollars rather small, but very good A Son? & litter from 3. to 6. dollars. this will depend on the breed A Pair of Oxen from 30 to 50 dollars Buffalo robes 2 to 5 ? Dressed Deer Skins 50 cents Saddles 5 Tr?? Wheat 2. dollars bushel. Oats. 3 to 4 dollars per bushel Barley, Buck-wheat & vir? as yet only grown in small quantities Horses from 25 to 100. Racers up to 3000 - 4000 dollars Fodder 50 to 75 cents per hundred weight Eggs 12 1/2 cents or 1 bit a dozen Texas Sugar 10 cents Tobacco 25 cents lb Cotton 4 to 5 all ? Peas (Black eyed) 5 1/2 to 6 cents Indigo ? Jany 1844 Butter 12 1/2 cents per lb.