Letter to May Walden from her brother James Frank Walden, born Dec. 7, 1863 in Metamora, Ill. as were his sister & brother, Charles Willis Walden
Sunday 9/3 [1939]
Dear Sister
am attaching P.O. Order for $5.00 if repair work continues as poor as the passed two months Will have to discontinue, as I wish to buy 3 or 4 tons of coal for my room as prices will advance Oct. 1 I see no reason, some say prices on farm produce hogs are 2 to 4 a lb. cheeper corn maby cheeper, but there is a lot of last years crop a bumper crop on hand and a good crop this year. I'll admit prices are low, but what the farmers with one crop sealed and another to harvest and no place to store it. Without new cribs built. Well Hitler has began what he has wanted from some time war on Poland What the outcome will be will be time will tell. I hope Hitler and his hench men will all get killed and the German country cut up so that peach will be the order of things in Europe. France & England are to help Poland. I hope this country can be kept out of the trouble accross the sees. We helped