Glad you have the nice ironing board but sorry you are using the old fashioned irons. They are so hot to handle.
It will be nice to see Mrs. Madsen again. Have you any news of Amy Felt wish you had weasel and shinola for an hour. They would clean out the rats!
We drove over to North Chicago last Sunday. Hot going over but nice and cool coming back, as a north breeze came up. Didn't stay long as Max doesn't like to drive in heavy traffic after dark and there is always a lot of it on a Sunday.
Believe Mrs. Stephens and her boyfriend are still sharing an apt. with papa but was under the impression they were sharing expenses.
Papa said in his last letter that his income is now $430.00 per year, but as Celotex is paying some two years, back interest, he may divide to hold what he has. His last letter is dated August 4th and the payment was made after that date, so he could not have expected it when he wrote. Marvin is about through with the worst of the painting. It looks very nice indeed. Much love. Jasper